Reunion Planners

What do Reunion Planners do?

Reunion Planners are alums who volunteer to help plan and promote their class’ upcoming reunion.


  • Serve on the Reunion Committee and talk periodically prior to Alums Weekend
  • Coordinate class off-campus gatherings


  • Write and/or sign correspondence to classmates
  • Contact classmates via telephone, e-mail, Facebook, class websites, or face-to-face visits to encourage attendance at Alums Weekend and to invite their support of the Reunion Gift

How does Westtown help?

A staff liaison from the Advancement Office will help you and your classmates by assembling the Reunion Committee, arranging conference calls, providing class lists, mailing and emailing letters to your classmates, making special on-campus arrangements, providing accommodations options for all budgets, and be an active partner in planning a wonderful reunion weekend for your class.