
Through a host of challenging course offerings, the Science Department aids students in their understanding of the natural world.

Students are encouraged to explore their surroundings, question, seek answers, and look at the world from different perspectives. Humans profoundly impact the world today. Understanding this impact helps our students become better stewards of the natural world. The Science Department sees the scientific method as a way to acquire and test knowledge. Students are immersed in first-hand experience. The school’s large and biodiverse campus is a living lab to explore topics as well as for field observations. Frequent group work and lab partners help students learn that scientific investigation is often collaborative in nature.

Students will have the following core experiences in their study of science:

  • Integrating classroom learning with real-world situations
  • Designing experiments, organizing and analyzing data, and interpreting results
  • Exploring the diverse ecosystems of the Westtown campus
  • Scientific approach which informs students about social and global concerns