The Deep Dive Certificate Program honors Upper School students who are engaged in an intentional, organized, and well-documented arc of immersive learning and focused scholarship. Students create the path from initial interest to successful capstone projects. Upon completion of the program, students receive a certificate celebrating their sustained concentration and thoughtful synthesizing of a broad array of experiences and academic work. The designation is noted on the student’s transcript, providing our students with yet another way of standing out from the crowd. Students may pursue more than one Deep Dive.
The Deep Dive Designations promote an interdisciplinary lens through which students design and experience their education. Deep Dive Certificates are offered in these areas: Social Entrepreneurship, Sustainability Leadership, Global Leadership, Diversity, Inclusion, and Social Justice, Data-Driven Change, and Multidisciplinary Arts.
Congratulations to this year’s Deep Dive Certificate recipients! These students are noted below along with links to some of their presentations so that you can learn more about their specific courses of study and projects.
Priyanka Acharya ’23: Diversity, Inclusion, and Social Change; Multidisciplinary Arts
Dane Clunk ’23: Global Leadership
Chloe Costa Baker ’23: Global Leadership
Jon Ebatalye ’23: Data-Driven Change
Tyler Greenberg ’23: Sustainability Leadership
Penny Huang ’23: Global Leadership
Tara Kumar ’23: Global Leadership
Jimmy Qin ’23: Multidisciplinary Arts
Alena Zhang ’24: Global Leadership