Endowed Funds

The Westtown endowment consists of 107 individual funds totaling more than $103 million.  The principal of these funds is invested, and currently, Westtown uses endowment earnings to support about 11 percent of the school’s budget.

Support for the endowment demonstrates a commitment to the present and future of Westtown and provides a donor with an opportunity to commemorate their time at Westtown and benefit the school now and for future Westonians.

If you have any questions about how to make a gift to an endowed fund, please contact
Ellen Urbanski, Director of Advancement, at 610.399.7915 or ellen.urbanski@westtown.edu

Money placed in an endowed fund belonging to the school is invested conservatively and managed actively. The earnings of these funds are used for many areas of operation and improvement including financial aid, faculty compensation, and program development.

Although subject to market fluctuations, endowed funds will produce an annual return of 3-4% for the school.

Our Endowed Funds

Westtown’s endowment is currently made up of over 75 funds in three categories; permanently restricted, temporarily restricted, and unrestricted funds.

While tuition is the single largest source of revenue, it only accounts for 76% of the annual operating budget of $30.6 million. Endowed funds contribute approximately 11.2% to the operating budget every year.

The overwhelming majority of the endowed funds at Westtown are restricted to specific purposes such as financial aid or faculty support.